Hi there, welcome! 👋🏽
xroot.org is the personal homepage of Tiago Faria (that’s me).
I started the website back in 2006 to run a Wordpress blog and in its 15 years of existence I’ve changed content and purpose so many times it’s hard to keep track. I’ll use it to post anything > 280 characters.
$ cat about.txt
I have around 1000 hobbies, even though I only get to put in practice a handful of them. I’m passionate about motorcycle racing and - even though I don’t do it as much as I would like - I’ll try to spend as much time as I possibly can on track. Here’s a picture of me in the legendary Estoril (former Formula 1 and MotoGP) track:
When I’m not racing, watching movies or series, obsessing over my book collection or playing Gears of War, I’ll be having fun with my family and - trying to - stop my 2 kids from fighting.

Professionally I’ve been working in information security (I don’t use the c word) throughout the majority of my career. I’ve worked in several bank, pharmaceutical and governmental institutions, including a position with USAFE (United States Air Force in Europe) working alongside some cool people at the 65th Communication Squadron.
Even though it existed as a R&D project for much longer, in 2019 I founded 3CORESec, a company that specializes in the creation of tools and platforms for threat hunting and detection engineering as well as original research. I’ve written about 3CORESec in its own separate page.